The Black Friday Black Bag

And just like that, it was November. Where has this year disappeared to? I woke up this morning to see the start of the online Black Friday whisperings and I’m already spying those Black Friday and Christmas campaigns with adverts on social media.

Now, the cynical side of me will put down my ‘broad-minded’ filter and pick up my wine glass, as I roll my eyes at another opportunity for western world consumerism to grasp us by the purse and take us for a ride. However, I’m not writing this with a glistening halo above my head. I openly admit to loving a spot of shopping and believe if shopping was a sport then I could probably compete for an Olympic medal! However, I fear there is something wrong in our world when my boys, like many other Kiddlywinks, are already enticed by ads and encouraged to think about their Crimbo wish list items!

I love a bit of history so I did some research to find out more about one of the biggest bargain bonanza days in the retail calendar. I was curious to know more about a growing global consumer event that I have always associated with Americans and their U.S Thanksgiving.

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