How to declutter your wardrobe AND do something good.

With Christmas a distant memory and spring soon approaching (well, kind of), now’s the time to get more organised and freshen up for the new year. Everyone talks about ‘no buy January’, and how they’re attempting not to buy anything new for a month, but how about trying to include this mindset into your everyday life and not just for January? You could declutter your wardrobe and whip together some outfits you may have forgotten you have, AND it will make you feel better and less cluttered.

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Time For A Spring Clean?

Did you know Brits could be hoarding more than 640 million items of clothing that they no longer wear?

Has your wardrobe turned into more of a ‘floor-drobe’ of late?

With so many items of clothing being left to languish in the backs of people’s wardrobes, we are urging you to relinquish control and have that much needed Spring clean. Once done, simply drop your donations off at your local Barnardo’s store!

Try our quiz today to find out which wardrobe persona you are, and then find your local store!



When the coat you didn’t know you wanted, finds you – that’s the beauty of thrifting

It was that awful point in January when it feels like payday will never come around again. All you want to do is go for a huge January sales splurge, but your bank account says a very firm no!

This is the perfect time to hit the charity shops. Not only can you scratch your wardrobe update-itch, but you can keep your bank account healthy, do brilliant things for the planet (save clothes going to landfill, reduce demand on the super-polluting garment-making industry and more!), and the people on it while you shop. How can all that not tempt you out of the house for a good poke around and maybe your next ‘This? It’s designer, but I picked it up for a fiver’ buy?

I set off with only £20 in my purse, so there was a whiff of a challenge in the air. Could I come back with a whole outfit within budget? Well, it was either that or spend the next couple of weeks eating those mystery label-less meals that get stuck at the bottom of the freezer.

I headed to my local Barnardo’s in Whitley Bay, a brilliant treasure trove with a great homeware section too, but that was for another day. Today was all about me!

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The Black Friday Black Bag

And just like that, it was November. Where has this year disappeared to? I woke up this morning to see the start of the online Black Friday whisperings and I’m already spying those Black Friday and Christmas campaigns with adverts on social media.

Now, the cynical side of me will put down my ‘broad-minded’ filter and pick up my wine glass, as I roll my eyes at another opportunity for western world consumerism to grasp us by the purse and take us for a ride. However, I’m not writing this with a glistening halo above my head. I openly admit to loving a spot of shopping and believe if shopping was a sport then I could probably compete for an Olympic medal! However, I fear there is something wrong in our world when my boys, like many other Kiddlywinks, are already enticed by ads and encouraged to think about their Crimbo wish list items!

I love a bit of history so I did some research to find out more about one of the biggest bargain bonanza days in the retail calendar. I was curious to know more about a growing global consumer event that I have always associated with Americans and their U.S Thanksgiving.

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Spring Has Sprung! De-clutter Anyone?

In the mood for a spring clean? Why not have some fun and start with your wardrobe?

Most of us are looking to switch our autumn/winter wardrobe into a spring/summer one and the opportunity for a great clear-out is definitely in the air.

loveyc_logoBut how do you know which clothes to keep and which ones to discard? Well, the definition of de-clutter in the Oxford dictionary is ‘remove unnecessary items from an untidy or overcrowded place.

De-cluttering is a great place to kick-start the spring clean and Love Your Clothes has joined forces with Barnardo’s to show you a quick and easy way to a lighter and more organised wardrobe. By all working together, we hope to reduce the 350,000 tonnes of clothes that end up in UK landfills every year.

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Louise Croft aka ‘Pauper to Princess’ Shares Her Tips For De-cluttering Your Wardrobe

My name’s Louise and I’m so happy to be writing for The Thrift today! My blog is Pauper To Princess and is all about ethical fashion, beauty and travel, with a peek into my serious charity shopping addiction. I also do look-books and beauty tutorials over on my YouTube Channel so check it out!

Louise Croft - InstaAs any self-confessed thrifter will know, keeping on top of your clutter (aka beloved pride and joy wardrobe) can be a bottomless task. I’ve tried every trick in the book to declutter, but having recently read The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up by Marie Kondo, I’m a total convert, if not fully blown minimalist.

I’ve done a full low-down on the book’s method over on my blog. But for now, here’s your quick 10 step guide on how to declutter using the Kon Mari Method:

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