Your Clothes, Your Armour

Over the last year, I have found myself looking for strength more times than ever before.

And while, for the purpose of this blog, my personal life will remain personal, these times have taken me to many crossroads where I have had to make the conscious decision to be brave and to be strong when the easiest option was to hide.

So, what has this to do with clothes?

Well, I believe my clothes give me strength and confidence. One person’s armour looks very different to another person’s. When I see those people striding down the street with their heads held high, I know that regardless of the clothes they have on, they are wearing their armour or should I say, their fabulous energy-emitting powerful force-field!

I’m going to show you the aesthetics that make me feel, not only strong, but but give me the ability and platform to embrace the niggly parts of me that tell me I’m not good enough. By wearing my ‘armour’ and that by doing it anyway, I prove my capability to rise above it all.


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