Homing Your Houseplants, the Thrifty Way

Houseplants are an absolute staple in home décor and this style statement shows no signs of disappearing any time soon. I, for one, am over the moon about this, as houseplants are taking over my home!

However, I wonder if any of you fellow houseplant lovers are familiar with the following scenario as much as I am? You arrive home with another dreamy green friend, only to realise that you’ve run out of pots to home your new shrub and soon discover that a new pot is more expensive than the plant itself!

Well, you can now cast those woes aside. I’m here with a few tips on how you can home your plants the thrifty way, whilst still staying chic and making a décor statement!

Thrift those pots

Check out the homeware section of your local Barnardo’s for some affordable plant pot possibilities. You may find a gem that is perfect just the way it is or you might discover something that offers a DIY opportunity. Either way, you will be sure to find something that does the job you need and doesn’t break that bank.

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