From Casual To Formal

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You can almost always find a great smart shirt in Barnardo’s, one like this high-neck number. I love a high-neck shirt but whenever I try one on I just don’t seem to be able to pull it off. Although I can’t pull off the high-neck style I still loved the fabric of this shirt and wanted to make it into something I would feel comfortable to wear for all occasions.

With only some scissors, a little thread and a needle you can chill (like I did) in front of the TV (a favourite pastime of mine) and turn a smart shirt into something a little more casual and comfortable for everyday wear.Read More »

From Charity Shop Dress to Disco Jumpsuit

When Barnardo’s asked me if I wanted to take part in their upcycling challenge for Recycle Week, I jumped at the chance! I’m very passionate about pre-loved clothes, and even more so, recycling and upcycling them into something new.

I was asked if I wanted to choose my own clothes or be sent a mystery parcel. I opted for the latter. When my parcel arrived  (which including a sweet little sewing kit) the dress inside was something that I would never have chosen myself in a million years (I think this is a good thing… I love a challenge!)

The dress was a pretty smart evening gown from Hamells Wavelength, made of stretch velour with a great glitter detail and a deep v-shaped back. I’d guess it’s not that old, so not my usual vintage style (I love the 60s, 70s and 80s), plus it was a bit big and shapeless on me.

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My Market Bag

Recycle Week is in full swing and we wanted to get involved. We set some fabulous thrifty bloggers an up-cycling challenge with some rag found in-store. Be sure to follow the blog and our Instagram this week so see what they created!

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When Barnardo’s contacted me about their challenge for Recycling Week I was so excited albeit a bit nervous. Don’t get me wrong, I have shortened the odd dress but that’s the extent of my sewing abilities but I couldn’t say no to a challenge!Read More »

Reducing Waste By Shopping Pre-Loved

Recycling week might be coming to an end but that doesn’t mean recycling has to. Keep reading to see what little but important changes you can make.

Worldwide, only 9% of plastic is recycled.

79% of the 6.3 billion metric tons of plastic waste plagues our environment in landfills or as litter.

Approximately 19 billion pounds of garbage pollute our oceans, contributing to the creation of “garbage patches” and threatening wildlife.

By shopping pre-loved, we can rely less on plastic or single-use items and reduce our carbon footprint. Below are some ways in which this can be accomplished.

Minimizing Packaging Demand

Purchasing pre-loved extends the life of any given item and creates less demand for the wasteful materials used to produce new packaging. New items are often shielded behind plastic wraps or laden with stickers and tags. The United States Environmental Protection Agency advises that reducing waste at the source “saves on natural resources, conserves energy, reduces pollution and toxicity of our waste, and saves money for consumers and business alike.”

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Spring Has Sprung! De-clutter Anyone?

In the mood for a spring clean? Why not have some fun and start with your wardrobe?

Most of us are looking to switch our autumn/winter wardrobe into a spring/summer one and the opportunity for a great clear-out is definitely in the air.

loveyc_logoBut how do you know which clothes to keep and which ones to discard? Well, the definition of de-clutter in the Oxford dictionary is ‘remove unnecessary items from an untidy or overcrowded place.

De-cluttering is a great place to kick-start the spring clean and Love Your Clothes has joined forces with Barnardo’s to show you a quick and easy way to a lighter and more organised wardrobe. By all working together, we hope to reduce the 350,000 tonnes of clothes that end up in UK landfills every year.

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Why I’m Still Charity Shopping In My 40s

Charity shop lover Kathryn Houldcroft has been shopping since her teenage years and explains why she’s still charity shopping in her 40’s…

As someone in their mid-40’s you would have thought that charity shopping is something I would have grown out of by now. But I guess I have been second-hand shopping for so many decades that my brain is now hardwired to head straight for the thrift stores.  I also love the thrill of a bargain, the individuality of charity shop purchases and the feeling I get from giving to a good cause, such as Barnardo’s. And there’s other reasons as well:

1) It’s something I haven’t grown out of.

Charity shop lover Kathryn

I first started second-hand shopping in my early teens when charity stores circa 1985 were very different to the ones you see now. Ironically, although these places were frowned upon, they were stocked with amazing pieces from the ’50s and ’60s that would now be classed as vintage.

2) It’s my own personal style and no one will have the same outfit as me.

I have to confess this was the reason I began charity shopping many years ago. As a student I wanted to look individual. I wanted to wear the shirt, jacket or shorts that no-one else had. I guess this is a habit that has stuck with me.Read More »

Re-imagining the pre-loved by Lisa Skinner

Hi, I’m Lisa and I blog at The heart behind my blog is to help people to live well on a little, to be goodstewards over their money and to be wise in how they spend it.Lisa Skinner

Re-imagining the pre-loved

It really is true that one man’s junk is another man’s treasure. When I look around a charity shop, I imagine great possibilities for the pre-loved items before me. I see it as my mission to restore, revamp or repurpose whatever I can. In short, I reimagine the pre-loved. Read More »