Our top #mybarnardosfind picks from last week

Another week, another set of fabulous finds that you’ve come across in our stores. Let’s take a look at some of our favourites…

We begin with The-Thrift regular Martina Davis (@essentiallyginger) who found this floral dress, originally from Whistles, at the bargain price of just £5! The length of this dress makes it extremely versatile and proves that floral prints aren’t just for summer.


Up next we have Kelly Pauling (@kelly_pauling) who wore this beautiful dress to her trip to Winter Wonderland to get in the festive spirit! What we love about this dress is its simple, yet classy look.

casual dress

Helen (@thegreen_flamingo) found this beautiful skirt in her local store in Canterbury which she tells us is ‘full of bargains’. This skirt was a total steal at just £3 and Helen has paired it with thick tights and tan leather boots – a lovely winter outfit.


Our next find comes in the form of this fabulously quirky knit jumper with bunnies on – perfect for Lucy (@bargainbunnyuk) who runs The Bargain Bunny and for just £1.99 it was a total steal!


Our final find of the week was by Paloma (@lomaindisguise). Paloma found this gold velvet dress in her local Barnardo’s store which she thought was the perfect outfit for Christmas day and we couldn’t agree more. The colour, the subtle pattern and the fabric all make for a very festive celebratory look.

festive dress

Now it’s your turn! Why not pop into your local store and see which fabulous outfits you can create! Be sure to post your photos on to Instagram or Twitter using #mybarnardosfind – we’d love to see what great bargains you come across.

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